A Short Thought

Looking back now, I was kind of lost and probably even pretty depressed at times. I wasn't happy with myself or my life.
Fortunately, I got through that period. I got to a place where I could truly love myself and be happy even without having a significant other to lean on. And once I reached that place, everything else good followed. I have a great mom, awesome best friends and I met an amazing man, I'm truly happy. And though I still have issues with anxiety , I can confidently say that I love my life, and I am so grateful for what I have.
For anyone else going though tough times, please remember that things will always get better. Time heals. And if you don't give yourself a chance, you may never know or experience the amazing things that are in store for you. Always love yourself first, and the rest will follow.
  Things will always get better

♥ by, autumnzira ♥

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